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Deluxe Classic Vinyl Studded 48 inch Width

Deluxe Classic Vinyl Studded 48 inch Width

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Please note.** Although we sell up to 50 ft lengths in this material, the maximum length on this material that UPS or FedEx can box and deliver is 28 ft without exceeding the allowable 150 lb limit. If you need to order longer lengths in this material, please click the following link: 29 ft - 50 ft material.

SKU 118022_CLR_Studded_48

For more information on Beveling and Venting Click Here:
Select Length and Options

*Minimum Order 8 Feet

Add Custom Width and Length Dimensions here if needed

Approx. 1/8 in (.145) thickness*. 

This versatile chair mat is ideal for all commercial carpets.

Color: Clear

Floor Type:   Commercial Grade Carpeting With Out Padding


    • High Quality. Made In The USA.
    • Clear design allows carpet to show
    • Unique bar style stud design grips carpet without piercing or harming carpet backing or your hands.

*Nominal thickness +/- 10%


Many sizes of our mats are not ship-able flat due to over sized shipping restrictions via standard carrier delivery.

We roll all of our vinyl mats to reduce our shipping costs, and also to avoid over sized restrictions.

This allows us to be able to provide our customers with larger sized mats.

Shipping mats flat requires shipping on a pallet via freight carrier. Shipping single quantity mats via freight is usually cost prohibitive.

Once you receive your mat, it will normally flatten within 24-48 hours at room temperature.

Custom Cut Lengths are not returnable
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